Mimoke in the media: EcoNews Today

Mimoke en los medios: EcoNews Today
FEBRUARY 13, 2020, Econews Today

Mimoke is ethical high jewelry. With a focus on technological innovation, they create laboratory diamonds that take care of the earth and people. They are better diamonds in every way. Sergio Murcia, CEO and founder, tells us about this venture that is gaining more and more strength.

What does “ethical” jewelry mean?

It is jewelry that is produced from making different decisions, especially at the operational level, to do minimal damage to the planet and take care of people. Ethics starts from reviewing all the already standardized processes and giving them a sustainable turn. In traditional jewelry, merchandise is transported from end to end of the planet without taking into consideration environmental damage. At Mimoke we are committed to creating the same pieces, but in the laboratory. We dedicate ourselves exclusively to the market in which we work and create qualified, well-paid jobs.

What is the laboratory diamond process?

What we do is replicate the same conditions of nature (carbon, water, temperature and time), but in a controlled environment. To extract it from the mine, millions of tons of earth must be moved, millions of liters of water and energy must be used. The laboratory diamond also requires resources. Does it consume energy? Yes, but it is still half of what is spent on producing a natural one.

Why choose ethical jewelry?

Because in the end you are choosing a product that does not harm nature, that takes care of people and is marketed at a price that we consider fairer. It is possible to access really worthy jewelry from 500 euros. Natural and laboratory diamonds are exactly the same. Their difference is at the molecular level, but optically there is no difference.

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