The Mimoke Magazine — COVID-19

La nueva Navidad con estilo natural.  Entrevista a Esther Vallès, co-fundadora y directora creativa de El Mirall Blau.

The new Christmas with natural style. Interview with Esther Vallès, co-founder and creative director of El Mirall Blau.

During the COVID-19 pandemic we continue to want to have our own style, but the mask, respecting distances mean that we have to adopt a style in accordance with COVID-19 safety protocols. There are new communication codes in the new reality, which clearly in social events such as Christmas and the celebration of holidays such as the end of the year, will also mark our way of presenting ourselves in society. We spoke with Esther Vallès , co-founder and creative director of El Mirall Blau and head of the aesthetics and body care line at El Mirall Blau, a salon...

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Consejos para organizar tu boda tras el confinamiento, Fase 1

Tips for organizing your wedding after confinement, Phase 1

Starting with phase 1 of the de-escalation, the celebration of weddings, among other events, is allowed in Spain. More than 17,000 links have had to be canceled. The health crisis caused by COVID-19 has caused many couples to overcome all kinds of vicissitudes. The most impatient have chosen to hold ceremonies through video calls or without guests. We recommend consulting the current law before celebrating the marriage. Below we leave you with some tips, compiled by one of our expert collaborators in event planning and organization, Daniela Martín del Campo.   What is the most advisable, cancel or postpone the...

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¿Por qué los Millennials valoran positivamente los diamantes creados en laboratorio?

Why do Millennials positively value lab-created diamonds?

Throughout history, each new generation changes the way they behave, relate, and understand what is right or not. This implies a substantial change in the rules of the game in relation to the way of consuming, the type of products purchased, the way of accessing them and the inherent relationship that consumers have with brands. And jewelry is not exempt from the impact of the generational change in jewelry consumption.

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COVID-19, días especiales: cómo llevar y mantener tus joyas perfectamente limpias.

COVID-19, special days: how to wear and keep your jewelry perfectly clean.

Like practically all materials, jewelry can harbor the C0VID-19 virus if exposed to this, like plastic, cardboard or wood, therefore it is essential to know how to clean and prevent take care of the jewelry.

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