COVID-19, special days: how to wear and keep your jewelry perfectly clean.

COVID-19, días especiales: cómo llevar y mantener tus joyas perfectamente limpias.

Like practically all materials, jewelry can host the C0VID-19 virus if they are exposed to it, such as plastic, cardboard or wood, therefore it is essential to know how to clean and care for jewelry to prevent it.

Is it true that it is better not to wear jewelry during quarantine?
As long as you follow the prevention and cleaning measures indicated by the health authorities and which we summarize here, you can show off your jewelry without problems. Just as you do with your hands or your cell phone, it is preferable to maintain an attitude of prevention when contacting surfaces that you do not know if they are virus-free. Surely at this moment, your home is the best place to enjoy your jewelry. It's a good time to show off your jewelry and try it with all your looks. It is proven that getting ready, dressing up, grooming ourselves improves our mood, increases self-esteem, which makes our days in quarantine easier.

Is there any particular jewel that we should be more careful about?
When we are outdoors we can come into contact with the virus through supermarket products, seats in parks, means of transportation, or (almost) any object we touch with our hands. In this case, especially rings and bracelets are more likely to be exposed to contamination than the rest of our things.

What jewelry cleaning measures should be followed to prevent risks?
It is important to know how to clean and disinfect the virus in each material in order to be able to eliminate the bacteria once we return from exposed places, considered risky, for example the supermarket.
The life of the bacteria in each material depends on its composition and the contact time between the surface and the virus. We must always:

  • Wash our hands with running, warm water. Apply enough soap to cover wet hands. For 20 seconds, rub all over the surface of your hands (the back, the space between the fingers and under the nails). Rinse well with running water. Dry your hands with a clean cloth or single-use towel. If you use hand sanitizer, you should use a sanitizer that has at least 70% alcohol and rub your hands for at least 20 seconds. And we have to clean our hands on different occasions: after blowing your nose, sneezing, coughing; after visiting a public place; after touching surfaces outside the home, including money; before and after eating; After going to the bathroom; after coming into contact with garbage; etc

  • Wash once a day: jewelry and watches with warm water and mild soap.

It is advisable to wash the jewelry pieces before putting them on and soak them in a small bowl for a while to loosen all the dirt. Then it is important to brush them with a soft-bristled or children's toothbrush to finish removing any residue. This process works for most jewelry and watches, including jewelry that has laboratory diamonds, both precious and semi-precious stones , such as sapphires, diamonds, emeralds, rubies.

Care must be taken in the case of watches to verify that they are at least waterproof, never subject jewelry with corals to hot water, as the coral will lose its color, and in the case of jewelry with pearls, avoid disinfectant products, such as alcohol or other products. with detergents or colognes.
It is advisable to use disinfectant products effective against coronavirus such as hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide), applying the compound to the object using a wipe .

Although hand sanitizer should also be used with caution if jewelry is worn. Its high alcohol content means it can dull metals, reduce brittleness and damage stones. And the same thing can happen when jewelry is exposed to substances like bleach and chlorine.

You need to make jewelry cleaning part of your routine and do it gently, avoiding any harsh cleaning agents.

If you have questions, we suggest that you contact our master jewelers: 

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