summer jewelry

Joyas de verano

This summer on your getaways to the sea, to our beautiful fine sand beaches of the Mediterranean Sea or to the steeper and slightly cooler beaches of the North of the Iberian Peninsula that the Cantabrian Sea offers us, in addition to the essentials of this special and unique summer Due to the restrictions due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, such as the mask and high sun protection, perhaps you would like to wear some of this season's jewelry and wear it with style and responsibly.

The minimalist style of the 90s and pragmatism in dressing during the pandemic prevails. A chic and ethical minimalism , respectful of the current environment and the environment.

On the beach, especially right now, this minimal and relaxed style prevails. The big fashion publications are committed to the surfer look for both men and women. This style is very easy to achieve: your loose, natural hair tousled by the sea breeze is the main garment, healthy tanned skin, a great smile, your swimsuit and a piece of jewelry that gives you freedom of movement.

These are some of the key accessories for the surfer look for your getaways to the sea:


Two accessories that you find in all the little shops and markets on the beaches and all the big fashion brands at this time usually have them. They are made with leather ropes, beautiful beads, preferably made of ceramic or natural resins. Blue and coral have to be among its colors, as well as leather as the main material and sterling silver.


It is also an ally on your getaways to the sea. Very easy to wear and gives a beautiful touch of light to your tanned face, if you choose a piercing with a brilliant or white diamond.

The newly released collection of piercings with ecological diamonds and in noble metals and sustainable sterling silver from Mimoke Ethical Jewelry guarantee responsible consumption. Mimoke is Ethical High Jewelry. In addition, according to our clients, Mimoke piercings, both piercings and earrings, fit very securely in the ear, so they can withstand your water bombs on the beach or in the pool or your surfing outings.

This summer, enjoy it responsibly and with good taste.

Discover piercing collection designed with ecological diamonds and in noble metals and sustainable sterling silver from Mimoke Ethical Jewelry. From 80 euros in its most surfer version in sustainable sterling silver and if you apply any of our discount codes this season your Ethical High Jewelry jewel will be even more accessible.

Made by People. Made in Barcelona.

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